The Nieve Roja Review

About the Staff

Mark Sanchez is co-founding editor of the Nieve Roja Review. He received his Bachelor's degree in Business from CSU in 1993. He currently found work and is wrapping up his M.F.A. in Poetry at CSU. He has poetry forthcoming in an adoption anthology and has had poetry published in the Dry Creek Review and an essay published in New Voices. He plans to embark on a new business/art venture this fall: Christian Porn, a website sponsored by Promised Land Productions.

Jody Jacobson, html editor, received her BA in English from CSU in Dec. 1996. She recently finished the requirements for her MA in Communications Development. While working to pay off her bills, she is now contemplating ways in which to defy the corporate world. Her next venture: a screenplay.

Nancy Baxter, editorial assistant, is currently working towards an MFA at Colorado State University. She temporarily ran away to Canada to hide from all the other CSU "poets".

Jim Thompson, editorial assistant, is also an MFA student at CSU. He recently joined the NR staff, promising that his long hair had Samsonite powers to see us through the fifth issue woes.

Gary Chang, also an MFA student at Colorado State University, is top dog in generating submissions from the rest of CSU's writing community.

Mike Nissley, a recent Communications Development graduate from the English department's MA program, is the king of sign-making.

Mike Palmquist, advisor, is an Associate Professor in the English Department at CSU. His interests include computers and writing, and hypertext document design.

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